Hello. My name is Hayato Nakamura.
Upon graduating from DWE, I want to ask you one question: why do we learn English?Of course, it helps us to score well on English tests, but not all of us will have jobs related to English such as an interpreter. So is English really necessary to live?For a long time, I used to think that English wasn't necessary, but recently, my opinion has completely changed.
Last year, at my school's festival, my classmates and I made the research presentation. When we were doing it, two people from abroad came and listened to the presentation. At first, we spoke in Japanese, but they seemed to not understand what we said. So I translated it into English and tell it to them. After the presentation, they said "We decided to come here because the presentation seems interesting. But we can't understand Japanese well. So thank you for translating." I felt really glad that I was studying English.
English served us when we prepared for the presentation too. We had to read some essays written in English for our research. So my English made the preparation go smoothly and enabled me to review research from foreign countries. From this experience, I learned that English enables us to convey our thoughts to the world and know about the world. English is an indispensable tool to do this and the significance of learning English is that we can gain that tool.
I hope we will succeed in the world by employing this tool even if we don't engage in English. And I appreciate DWE for teaching us the joy of learning English and giving us great opportunities to learn English.
Thank you.